I am so excited to start this blog. I have some amazing friends here in Kentucky with craft blogs that blow my mind. Seeing their work and many other crafty blogs has inspired me to start my own creative blog. I want this blog,
Savvy Chic Home, to be about decorating and loving your home on a budget.
Of course there are many other great reasons I want to start Savvy Chic Home too.
I love love love decorating. I have been waiting to get a home of my own for what seems like a very long time. We just purchased our first home in July 2009 and I am in heaven. I have so many plans!

I have
always loved doing creative things. Art has always been my favorite subject. I got my degree in Art Education. While going to school I worked as a design consultant and furniture sales person. I helped stage the store showroom, and worked with clients to design the right room for them. I also worked as an art teacher, so I will probably have some crafty things up my sleeve too.
Now I am a stay at home. Being a homemaker I consider myself the
defensive player,-saving whenever and where ever I can. I have always loved saving money too. "A penny saved is a penny earned" has been my motto. Why spend more when you don’t have too? I love making things myself, thrift store shopping, and of course
craigslisting. I just got done reading the “Millionaire next door” and I loved it. It is definitely motivating to see that most millionaires are thrifty too.
My family and friends have asked me show them my new creations. "Show me how you did that, or What does your home look like now?" are a few things I have heard. So
here it is yall, a full on blog all about how I did it, why I like it, and why it works, and on a next to nothing budget.
Make sure to link me up to your blog, follow me using the bar on the right, and tell your friends. It's good to know that other people are reading this besides me. :) Hopefully I will
gain some friends along the way.
Lots of
fun and always thrifty stuff to look forward to like before and afters of rooms in my home, a how to of our girls beautiful tufted headboards, holiday decorating,
repadding & upholstering chairs, Goodwill transformations and much more.
Happy Trails and come back soon